Solvent Dyes


Solvent dyes are used to color semi-transparent and transparent plastics like PC, PMMA, PET., etc. It does not affect the transparency of the plastics, also offers high heat resistance.


China Solvent Dyes

Baoxu offers a wide range of solvent dyes including blue, black, green, orange, red, yellow, and violet. Click on to check product details, and contact us if need sample or inquiry.

  • solvent red: 23, 24, 25, 41, 52, 111, 135, 146, 149, 168, 179, 195, 196, 197, 207
  • solvent yellow: 14, 16, 54, 93, 98, 114, 147, 157, 160:1, 163, 176
  • solvent blue: 35, 36, 67, 78, 97, 104, 122
  • solvent violet: 13, 26, 31, 36, 37,
  • solvent orange: 14, 60, 63, 107
  • solvent green: 3, 5, 28
Solvent Dyes                                                                  
Product nameC.I.IndexSynonymsCAS number
Black 3SBL 3Oil Black H3B4197-25-5
Blue 104SB 104Blue 2B116-75-6
Blue 122SB 122Blue R67905-17-3
Blue 35SB 35Blue 2N12226-78-7
Blue 36SB 36Blue AP14233-37-5
Blue 67SB 67Blue G12226-78-7
Blue 78SB 78Blue GP2475-44-7
Blue 97SB 97Blue RR70956-30-23
Green 28SG 28Green G71839-01-5
Green 3SG 3Green 5B128-80-3
Green 5SG 5Yellow 8G128-80-5
Orange 107SO 107Orange R5718-26-3
Orange 14SO 14Orange EP6367-70-3
Orange 60SO 60Orange 3G6925-69-5
Orange 63SO 63Orange GG16294-75-0
Red 111SR 111Red GS82-38-2
Red 135SR 135Red EG20749-68-2
Red 146SR 146Red FB70956-30-8
Red 149SR 149Red HFG71902-18-6
Red 23SR 23Red HRR85-86-9
Red 168SR 168Red KLB71832-19-4
Red 179SR 179Red E2G6829-22-7
Red 195SR 195Red 2B164251-88-1
Red 196SR 196Red BK52372-36-8
Red 197SR 197Red GK52372-36-8
Red 207SR 207Red FBR, FRL15958-68-6
Red 24SR 24Red BR85-83-6
Red 25SR 25Red B3176-79-2
Red 41SR 41Red 5B522-75-8
Red 52SR 52Red HL5B81-39-0
Violet 13SV 13Violet B81-48-1
Violet 26SV 26Violet R61951-89-1
Violet 31SV 31Violet RR70956-27-3
Violet 36SV 36Violet 3R61951-89-1
Violet 37SV 37Violet FBL61969-50-4
Yellow 114SY 114Yellow 2G, Disperse 5475216-45-4
Yellow 14SY 14Yellow R842-07-9
Yellow 16SY 16Yellow 4G4314-14-1


Sample or Inquiry

Contact our online sales, or fill Inquiry form, or mail to [email protected], thanks

solvent red 168

solvent red 168, transparent red klb Chemical: CI structure number 26540 Molecular formula: C24H13N4Na3O9S CAS registration number 6406-36-6 Synonym name: transparent red klb heat resistance: 280℃ immigration resistance: 4-5 dosage 0.02% Application: application of solvent red 168 as the table below PS SAN RPVC PA66 PES fiber  AS PMMA PPO PA6 PC ABS PBT PET ● ● ●  ● ● ●  ● ● ● ● ● ●…

solvent yellow 14

solvent yellow 14, oil yellow r, cas 842-07-9 Chemical CI structure number 12055   Molecular Formula: C16H12N2O   CAS Registration Number 842-07-9   Synonym name: oil yellow r, solvent yellow r   solvent yellow 14 is an orange-yellow solvent dye, mainly used for oil and resin coloring, can also be used for shoe polish, board wax. Also used as biological stains and oil colorants.   Application: application of solvent yellow 14 as the table below PS…

solvent black 3

solvent black 3, transparent black 4b Properties Color: black Heat Resistance: 260℃ immigration resistance: 3-4 heat resistance: 5 acid and alkali resistance: 4-5 light fastness:5 Application: application of solvent black 3 as the table below PS SAN RPVC PA66 PES fiber  AS PMMA PPO PA6 PC ABS PBT PET ● ● ●   ●   ●   ●  ●   ●   ●   ● ●   ●   ● ●Suitable, ○ Limited suitability, – Not suitable, nt-Not…

solvent blue 97

solvent blue 97, transparent blue rr, CAS 32724-62-2 Chemical CI structure number 615290 Molecular formula: C36H38N2O4 CAS registration number 32724-62-2 Synonym name: transparent blue rr solvent blue 97 is a red shade blue solvent dye. Application Data item PC PS PMMA ABS PET pigment% 0.90 0.97 0.88  0.63  0.51 tinting strength 1/3 standard titanium dioxide% 1 1 1 1 lightfastness 1/3 standard 6-7 6 8…

solvent red 23

solvent red 23, transparent red hrr, cas 85-86-9 Chemical: CI structure number 45170:1 Molecular Formula: C22H16N4O CAS registration number 85-86-9 Synonym name: transparent red hrr Application: application of solvent red 23 as the table below PS SAN RPVC PA66 PES fiber  SB PMMA PPO PA6 PC ABS PBT PET ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ●Suitable, ○ Limited suitability, – Not suitable, nt-Not…

solvent blue 104

solvent blue 104, transparent blue 2b, cas 116-75-6 Chemical: CI structure number 61568 Molecular Formula: C22H30N2O2 CAS registration number 116-75-6 Synonym name: transparent blue 2b, The feature of solvent blue 104 is high tinting power, very good lightfastness, excellent heat-resistant. Application Data item PC PS PMMA ABS PET pigment% 0.125 0.230 0.125 tinting strength 1/3 standard titanium dioxide% 1 2 1 lightfastness 1/3 standard 6…

solvent yellow 176

Solvent yellow 176, transparent yellow 3gl, CAS 10319-14-9 Chemical: CI structure number 47023 Molecular Formula: C18H10BrNO3 CAS registration number 10319-14-9 color shade: red shade heat resistance 260℃ dosage 0.02% Application: solvent yellow 176 application as the table below PS SAN RPVC PA66 PES fiber  SB PMMA PPO PA6 PC ABS PBT PET ● ●  –  – ●   – ●   ● ●Suitable, ○ Limited…

solvent red 25

solvent red 25, transparent red b, cas 3176-79-2 Chemical: Molecular Formula : C24H20N4O CAS Registration No. 3176-79-2 solvent red 25 is mainly used for the coloring plastics, such as polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, ABS, cellulose acetate and so on.  Also used for coloring paints. Application: solvent red 25 application as the table below PS SAN RPVC PA66 PES fiber  AS PMMA PPO PA6 PC…

solvent orange 107

Solvent orange 107, transparent orange r, cas 5718-26-3 Chemical: Molecular Formula : Poly methine CAS registration number 5178-26-3 Synonym name: transparent orange r  Application Data: item PC PS PMMA ABS PET pigment% 0.045 0.09 0.045 tinting strength 1/3 standard titanium dioxide% 1 2 1 lightfastness 1/3 standard 5 4 3-4 transparent 0.05% 8 7 7 heat resistance 1/3  SD 5min…

solvent blue 122

solvent blue 122, transparent blue r, CAS 67905-17-3 Properties CI structure number 60744 Molecular formula: C22H16N2O4 CAS registration number 67905-17-3 Synonym names: transparent blue r solvent blue 122 is a bright red shade blue solvent dye. Application Data item PC PS PMMA ABS PET pigment% 0.90 0.97 0.88  0.63 tinting strength 1/3 standard titanium dioxide% 1 1 1 1 lightfastness 1/3 standard 6-7 6…