uv-329 Tinuvin 329, Cyasorb UV 5411, Eversorb 72, CAS 3147-75-9 supplier

UV Tiunvin 329

Chemical Name:


FormulaC20H25N30 uv-329 Tinuvin 329, Cyasorb UV 5411, Eversorb 72, CAS 3147-75-9 chemical structure info@additivesforpolymer.com
Molecular Weight323
CAS#     3147-75-9

Synonym names: 

Tinuvin 329, Cyasorb UV 5411


Appearanceslightly yellow powder
Melting point103-105℃
Flashpoint> 150°C
ethyl acetate15
water< 0.01


>Features: Hydroxyphenyl-benzotriazole UVA with excellent spectral coverage in the UV region; Good photo permanence; Improves exterior durability of ambient and low temperature cured coatings.

>UV 329 exhibits strong absorbance in the 300–400nm region and minimal absorbance in the visible region (> 400 nm) of the spectrum.

>Protect variety of polymeric systems, particularly in polyesters, polyvinyl chlorides, styrenics, acrylics, polycarbonates and polyvinyl butyral during outdoor weathering. Typical end use applications include molded items, extruded sheets, glazing materials for window lighting, signs, marine, and auto applications.

>UV 329 can be used alone or in combination with other additives (HALS,antioxidants).

>Typical use levels range between 1.0 and 3.0%, depending on the substrate and performance requirements of the final applications.

Handing and Safety: 

>Not intended for use in applications that come in contact with food or in products which may come in contact with mucous membranes or abraded skin or be implanted into the body.

>For additional handing and toxicological information, please consult us for Maternal Safety Date Sheet.


25kg per fiber drum, 9*3 layer 27drum per pallet,or according to customers’ requirements.


uv tinuvin 329 5411 tds baoxu chemical

uv tinuvin 329 5411 msds baoxu chemical