Antioxidant, UV Absorber, Light Stabilizer, Pigments for Plastic Profiles

Window and door frames, shutters and other profiles made from plastics made strong and larger frames possible in buildings.

Antioxidant, UV Stabilizer, Pigment, Additives In Plastic Profile

Antioxidant, UV Absorber, Light Stabilizer for Plastic Profiles

ApplicationMaterialAntioxidantUV absorber,

light Stabilizer

Window and Door Profiles


Flexible PVC film or profile1010, 1076UV P, 531
Rigid PVC film or profile1010, 1076UV P, 3035, 531, 312, 326
Acrylic filmB900, 10761600, 1577, 770UV P


Organic Pigment for Plastic Profiles (please click on title)